Keyboard Shortcuts.

Visit here to learn more than OneHundred Keyboard Shortcuts . More than 100 Keybord Shortcuts,(Microsoft Windows). 1.CTRL+C=Copy. 2.CTRL+X=Cut. 3.CTRL+V=Paste. 4.CTRL+Z=Undo. 5.Delete=Delete. 6.Shift+Delete=Delete the selected item permanently without placing the item in Recycle Bin. 7.CTRL while drugging an item=Copy the selected item. 8.CTRL+Shift while dragging item=Create shorticut to the selected item. 9.F2 Key=Rename the selected item. 10.CTRL+Right Arrow=Move the insertion point to the beginning of the previous word. 11.CTRL+Left Arrow=Move the insertion beginning of the next word. 12.CTRL+Down Arrow=Move the insertion point to the beginnin of the next paragraph. 13.CTRL+Up Arrow=Move the insertion point the beginning of the previous paragraph. 14.CTRL+Shift with any of the Arrow Keys=High light a block of text,Shift with any of Arrow Keys=Select more than one item in a window or on the Desktop,or Selected document. 15.CTRL+A=Select all. 16.f3 key search ...